

Live Coding

Live Coding

Patching Circle Graz, and others


computer music

2012-06-08 Patching Circle Graz

At ESC medien kunst labor. Live radio broadcast on ORF Zeit-Ton.

Peter Venus
Maria Weger
IOhannes Zmölnig

2012-09-14 Altraconsonanza

At the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2012, Menza Pri Koritu, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The project altraconsonanza is a collective live improvisation by the four composers and sound artists Luc Döbereiner, Georgios Marentakis, David Pirrò, and Martin Rumori. The diverse material consisting of synthesized sounds and field recordings is played back over an irregular lattice of 48 loudspeakers, custom designed and developed by Georgios Marentakis and Sebastian Blamberger. On the one hand the distinct sound materials create a polyphonic stratification of independent musical voices and structures and on the other hand the material is fused and merged in the synthesis and spatialization system developed by David Pirrò. Here, the single sources are brought together as they act as forces exciting a physical model. The result can be seen both as a walkable sound installation and as a musical group improvisation.

David Pirrò
Georgios Marentakis
Martin Rumori
Marian Weger
Matthias Kronlachner